Prof. Sibel Erduran, University of Oxford
December 7th, 2023, 15.30h – Aula 1A, Complesso “Fiore di Botta”
Argumentation is about providing justifications to claims with evidence. For example, how do we know that matter consists of particles or that day and night are caused by a spinning earth? What is the evidence? How do we know how to select which evidence? The workshop – mainly intended for secondary school teachers, but open to anyone interested in Science Education – will introduce resources and strategies to support the teaching and learning of argumentation in physics and science lessons. The session will model these pedagogical strategies and will include a brief presentation on some research findings from an interdisciplinary project conducted in the UK.
The workshop will have a practical and collaborative nature.
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The speaker
Sibel Erduran is a Professor of Science Education and Fellow of St. Cross College at University of Oxford, United Kingdom. She has served as the President of the ESERA (European Science Education Research Association); she is editor-in-chief of Science & Education and a member of the editorial boards of numerous other journals. She has worked in the United States, in Ireland and in the UK, where she has led funded projects and taught both pre- and in-service STEM teachers. In Ireland, she was the Director of the National Centre for STEM Education based at University of Limerick. Her research interests focus on the infusion of epistemic practices in science education and on the professional development of STEM teachers. Her work on argumentation has received international recognition through awards from NARST and EASE. She has authored close to 200 publications, two books published in 2019, and she has recently been engaged in the FEDORA (EU Horizon 2020) and SciKids (UAEU) projects.
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